@iwNZ Hi there.
I have implemented at least 2 very popular methods in the past.
Option 1: (Moderate) Show all products from the current category
Option 2: (Advanced) Custom Field called Related Products
Option 1:
On product detail template:
<logic:variable as="arrCategoryIds" value="[? \Components\Commerce\Products\Categories::getAllIdsForProduct($product['product_id']) ?]" />
<logic:variable as="category" value="[? \Components\Commerce\Products\Categories::get($arrCategoryIds[0]) ?]" />
<div class="categoryRow">
<h2>Category Products <small>([? $category['product_category_title'] ?])</small></h2>
<div class="shop-grid">
<logic:variable as="currentProduct" value="[? $product ?]" />
<data:repeater id="grid-product" class="grid-product-wrap" as="product"
datasource="\Components\Commerce\Products::getAllForCategoryAndBrandRecursive($category['product_category_id'], null)"
paging="true" pagingrows="20" pagingautorender="true"
<data:template component="\Components\Commerce\Products" type="list" />
<logic:variable as="product" value="[? $currentProduct ?]" />
Option 2:
This option is a lot more complicated:
step 1 you need to create a custom field called Related Product Ids. Use a Custom UI type, and choose Text < 255 Characters.
step 2 then on each product you select your related products
step 3 add a data:repeater on the product detail page to list through the related product ids, a lot like what I showed in
option 1.
Your Custom UI code should look like this, or similar:
<forms:row label="Related Products">
<logic:variable as="selected_product_ids" value="[? [] ?]" />
<logic:if test="$product['product_related_products']">
<logic:variable as="selected_product_ids" value="[? unserialize( $product['product_related_products'] ) ?]" />
<forms:selectlist id="product_related_products" datacolumn="product_related_products" value="" as="relatedProduct" width="300" height="120" style="font-size: 80%;">
<forms:option value=""></forms:option>
<data:repeater as="relatedProduct" datasource="\Components\Commerce\Products::getAllConsole()">
<logic:if test="in_array($relatedProduct['product_id'], $selected_product_ids, false)">
<forms:option value="[? $relatedProduct['product_id'] ?]" title="[? $relatedProduct['product_title'] ?]" selected="selected" />
<forms:option value="[? $relatedProduct['product_id'] ?]" title="[? $relatedProduct['product_title'] ?]" />
<p style="margin-top: 8px;"><em><small>Hold CMD or Ctrl to select multiple products</small></em></p>
Hope this sets you on the right path.